日本語タイトル(Japanese title): ソロだけど… 混んどる!?
読み方(Reading): Solo dakedo Kondoru

意味 (Meaning): Solo but not alone as circling condors are crowding in on our cat soloist




A story of the cat soloist and condor:

Even the most besotted cat lover knows, or should know, at least, that the protracted efforts at music making of their furry friends, in say March, is only of interest to cats of the other sex and a cause of frustration, irritation and anger to everyone else. Condors are not great musicians either, however, they know a thing or two about the social significance of music and how it relates to their culinary interests. In short, the bird circling above has mistaken the pathetic efforts of our cat for a funeral dirge and has come in the hope of a tasty morsel. And the one above is only the first one to come. More are arriving every minute. There will soon be a hungry crowd of condors swirling above.


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